Kyra Prays: Champions Centre Notes 1/9/2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Champions Centre Notes 1/9/2011

I want to thank my friend Demetria for sending me a copy of her notes from today's sermon. I accidentally closed the window and lost all of mine :(

If you have struggles: Read Romans 8:31
"If God is for [it] nothing will be against [it]."

Early Church: Act 2:46-47
God keeps adding to the church. Thank him for the favors.

**Help CC in 2011**
1. Be a bringer.
2. Reach out to people using social networking.
3. Inform people through our media.
4. Giving- partner with us in giving financially.

No matter what we do, finances are a tool of trade.

Forces That Form Your Future Part 2
My future is not something that happens to me, but it is something that happens through me.
Galatians 4:8-9, 18-19

Which thoughts, actions, etc keep me in God's plan/path?
Don't go back to old ways; find new ways to live your life.

Everyone is sowing something today that will show up in the form of a harvest tomorrow-- Galatians 6:7
--Teach your kids how to learn God.
--We can make our life better.
--Everything you need for a better future is in your life today, waiting for you to recognize it.

2 Kings 4:1-2
--We always have something we can use to create more.
--We have something in our life that God has given us to make our future better. We all have a seed to sow.

The Force of a Belief
--We all have opinions. We all have a Belief System (BS).
--No amount of good in your heart can make up for bad in your head.
--Ask God for a Belief System based around what God says is good and what God says is right.

Become what you believe-- Matthew 9:29

Different beliefs don't cause people to see different things; they cause
people to see the same things differently.
--Every losing team can be champions. (ex . football team)
--You will never overcome if you say you can't.
--Beliefs form and shape your future


  1. I hope my notes are a great resource for others.

  2. I think they will be (^_^). Thanks again for sending them to me!
