Kyra Prays: This shouldn't happen.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

This shouldn't happen.

I was on the phone with my dad today (YAY!!!!) and I was so disheartened by what he told me. We were talking about my whole goal of youth ministry and we started talking about experiences in churches. He told me that he used to go to this one church near my uncle's house (I went there with him once) and that one day he went in and was in a sweater and khakis. Now I have to tell you, I don't see an issue here. Apparently the pastor DID. Before the service even started, the pastor took him outside and informed him that he wasn't in proper attire for church.

God sees me dancing around in my underwear singing praise and worship music, so I think he's completely ok with me sitting in church in jeans. Heck, my dad wasn't even in jeans...he was in a nice sweater and khakis.

You never know the reason someone is in church. Maybe they're having a really awful situation and they need to have fellowship and spend some time with God. Maybe that day is the day that could lead to their salvation. You don't know someone else's life circumstances unless they tell you. So why push people away?

It's because too many churches are worried about appearances and not focused on being Christ-like. They want to be "proper." I find nothing proper about forcing someone into a situation that makes them uncomfortable just so that they can fit into your own mold of what a Christian "should" be. We hear it preached that God knows our hearts, and the "judge not lest you be judged" yet there are still people out there that believe it to be their duty to tell others how they can and cannot worship and find a relationship with God.

I'm not saying you shouldn't dress up for church. If that's what you feel most comfortable being there in, then do it! But don't judge another just because s/he comes in wearing jeans.

1 comment:

  1. wow!!!! I can't believe a paster would do that. I agree you should look nice but there are people that can't afford nice clothes but they still have the right to worship GOD. But in the end that paster will be judged on his judgement day and what he said to your dad and probably many others has not been forgotten. His job is to spread the word and teach people but it looks like he is passing judgement on people. Hope your dad finds a good church.
